LOVE’s FIRST KISS (2020)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 …

LOVE’s FIRST KISS (2020) < Previous | Next >

Travel restrictions during the current Covid-19 pandemic has given me greater time to pause and appreciate the beauty in my immediate surroundings in my own backyard. I had spied this tree trunk opening a few months back and I had always hoped that I would capture an interesting moment here. On this day, that wish came true. The sun was softly shining through the canopy of trees and had illuminated the opening perfectly when I spied these two squirrels sharing playful moments.

This moment came after almost 20 minutes, when one of the squirrels softly nudged the other, who was sitting and enjoying the warmth of the sun. It was a really tender moment and I feel lucky to have captured this.

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