About ME

Welcome and thank you for being here!

Photography is a very powerful tool when it comes to emotions, whether it be the expression of those emotions from the artist’s side or the invocation of them from the beholder’s side. Digital Photography has made capturing and cataloging moments and information much easier and cost effective than what it used to be in the past. However, to me, photography goes a step further than just serving as a tool with a purpose. It is the medium through which I can share my subjective experiences of this world, this “reality” with other people. It motivates me to get out and explore my adventurous side since a lot of my pictures require going to areas less visited.

As the old adage goes “A picture is worth a thousand words”, and each of these pictures tell a story. They range from feelings of blissful harmony and tranquility to sheer awe at the immensity of the cosmos and, by relation, the insignificance of life here on Earth. Although I’m based out of Raleigh, North Carolina, I have had the good fortune of being able to travel to many locations around the world and I hope you enjoy the many sights and scenes on this website as much as I’ve appreciated the honor and pleasure of capturing such beauty.

As always, thank you for your support!

-Arjun Gupta