THE ENFORCER (2020)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      …

THE ENFORCER (2020) < Previous | Next >

I spent a good part of Spring and Summer 2020 locked away in my house on account of the pandemic. To get away from it all, I would often spend hours in my backyard, watching the frenzied activity of the wildlife as they scurried about their busy day. It was a welcome source of relief at times to get away from reality. Hummingbirds in particular enthrall me with their antics - having never seen one growing up in India, I was (and still am) absolutely fascinated by these little birds that zipped around my yard at light speed. They each had a personality of their own and I learned to distinguish one from the other (I may/may not have given them names). This one in particular was my favorite of them all.

It was the most brazen of the 7 or so hummingbirds I had in my yard this past summer. It laid claim on not one but two of the feeders and was vocal and bossy about protecting its treasure. There were times when it would allow another hummingbird to access the feeder but more often than not, the others had to distract it and then dart in for a quick sip before it would fly in and chase them off, chittering loudly. Not only that, it would chitter loudly at me when the feeder would run dry. I am not quite sure what it was about this particular bird that endeared it to me - maybe it was the spectacular colors it gave off when it was at its most vocal or maybe it was its antics as it exerted its dominance with an iron will over the other birds.

On this day, after a good amount of rain, the clouds cleared out and as the sun dazzled through the foliage, I was able to capture this little thing in full flight as it chased off one of the other birds.

Technical specs: Captured with a Nikon D750/Sigma 150-500mm at 500mm/ISO 800/1/640th shutter speed at F6.3

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