THE GREEN ENTERPRISE (2020)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              …

THE GREEN ENTERPRISE (2020) < Previous | Next >

Nature photography has been something I’ve been eager to start doing more frequently, but with the lockdowns in place and the closure of parks, it’s been a little more difficult to get out and about. I’m fortunate to live somewhat remotely with a backyard, and until recently, had never seen a live hummingbird. My wife, flabbergasted at this news, purchased a hummingbird feeder, as a gift. It’s become such a loved hobby, especially in times of home confinement, that we now have three feeders.

I’m enamored with their size and velocity, and can’t help but think of the Star Trek Enterprise as they fly away from the feeder at astronomical speeds, chittering as they go. We’ve learned to identify their calls, and look up instinctively when we hear one, trying to see if they’re engaged in battle mid-flight, red throats flashing, and who will win the tussle to claim the feeder as their own.

They somewhat trust me, as they’ve learned my early morning habits of sitting out while the air is cool (the only time mosquitoes are at bay), while I sip my coffee; nevermind the camera 30x their little, palpitating bodies. I can’t tell you how many photos were blurred failures, out of focus and not good for anything other than summoning my curses. But, when I finally landed the shot of her coming in for a feed, it was all I could do not to shout, “Things are only impossible until they’re not”.

Thank you for your support!