PEERING INTO THE LOOKING GLASS (2017)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    …

PEERING INTO THE LOOKING GLASS (2017) < Previous | Next >

I am fortunate to live in a state that is adorned with many beautiful waterfalls. Looking Glass Falls in the Pisgah National Forest is one such waterfall. Given its relative ease of access and proximity to Asheville, it is one of the most popular waterfalls to visit in North Carolina. Spring is a great time to visit these falls with the new foliage and gushing water levels from the springtime rains.

On this cold and misty spring day, I had the waterfall all to myself for a good long period. The mist was thick and provided a wonderfully moody atmosphere coupled with the warm aura of the rising sun, as it fought to penetrate the layers of circling mist.

The falls are named after the rocks around the falls on which water freezes in the winter and the ice reflects the incident sunlight resembling a mirror.

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