THE DOUBLE ARCH (2018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   …

THE DOUBLE ARCH (2018) < Previous | Next >

Taken at Joshua National Park in June, my friends and I had to not only navigate through a small crowd of people, but had to work quickly in the wee hours of the morning to capture the Milky Way before the Earth’s rotation pushed it out of frame. This proved a bit stressful, but the allure of the stories these rocks have to tell from centuries of weathering captured my fascination. It’s mind-boggling to imagine the number of night skies these rocks have rested under, holding fast, but losing small parts of themselves to the same skies come the next night after the erosion of the day. These experiences often lend themselves to personal reflections in what I’ve weathered in my life, night sky to night sky, and the vulnerabilities I expose to those around me.

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