THE LONE SURVIVOR (2016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 …

THE LONE SURVIVOR (2016) < Previous | Next >

On Hunting Island stood "Little Blue", one of the most iconic and the last remaining beach houses along the island's Cabin Road when I took this picture in 2016. The ravages of the relentless ocean along with climate change and sea water rise contributed to the beach erosion that claimed all of the cabins bar one that once adorned this coastline. This last remnant of yesteryears withstood that relentless onslaught until the local government finally demolished it around 2017.

In spite of the light pollution from the city of Charleston, the night sky here was magical to watch and enjoy. On that night, I found myself wistfully thinking about the families that must have enjoyed the view, the peace and the solitude from atop the little cabin. Battle scarred and weary, the cabin still managed to retain a quiet dignity and character about it. I’m personally very glad I got to enjoy this location with the structure still standing.

I’ve visited this location after the cabin was torn down and while the night sky was still brilliant to observe, the presence of that plucky cabin was sorely missed.

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