BLISSFUL SERENDIPITY (2018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              …

BLISSFUL SERENDIPITY (2018) < Previous | Next >

This image is from one of my best nights photographing in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. It’s hard to believe that I’d never been to this location in person before this night - I’d stumbled across this location on Google Maps by accident while searching for a different spot I’d had in mind. Usually pulling off a night shoot requires a lot of planning, including location scouting and the logistics of making it there on a favorable day, so to show up the “day of” is not something I normally would do.

I love everything about this image: the reflection, the stillness of the water surface, the foreground lines leading to the mountains and most importantly, the cloud free and dark skies of the Sierras. Growing up in major urban areas, I had never even seen a 100 stars in the sky, so seeing this entire kaleidoscope of our home galaxy is a wonderful experience for me every time.

The fortuitous manner of stumbling upon this location and walking away with a winning composition is what makes this “Blissful Serendipity”.

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