A BEACON OF HOPE (2017)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               &lt…

A BEACON OF HOPE (2017) < Previous | Next >

As night falls on the final day of 2020, it’s time to reflect on what has been one of the more difficult periods of our lives that we’ve had to navigate collectively as a species.

Just as the many coastal lighthouses, like this one in Bass Harbor in Maine, presented hope and symbolized the end of a long and arduous ocean journey to many a sailor, so too does modern science provide us hope to overcome this ongoing pandemic through the miracle of vaccines. It’s humbling to think of all the individuals who’ve banded together and come to society’s aid throughout this entire unfolding saga, from the healthcare workers to the essential workers to the researchers and scientists who’ve raced against the clock to provide us with the means to defend ourselves from this virus. They truly represent the best of humanity and a beacon of hope to us all to guide us through these dark times.

Wish everyone the best for the year 2021!

Thank you for your support!