LIGHT MY FIRE (2018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     …

LIGHT MY FIRE (2018) < Previous | Next >

The coast of Maine is unlike most of the coastline on the eastern seaboard of the United States. While most of the shoreline along the Atlantic comprises sandy beaches, the coast of Maine is rocky and is lined with cliffs and all kinds of rock formations that make for very interesting foreground compositions. Along with that, Maine also has one of the highest numbers of coastal lighthouses of any other state that I have visited and these provide great photographic opportunities.

On this day, I happened to be at Pemaquid Point Lighthouse after having spent a few (photographically) fruitless but very enjoyable and relaxing days in the town of Bar Harbor with my now wife, then partner. She’d flown back home the previous evening and I was to meet up with some friends and spend a few more days seeking out photography adventures. After a few days of no real luck with the weather, I was running a little low on creative motivation. So while scouring various weather apps, my desire to drive to this location on the basis of a small window of opportunity at sunrise was not very high. In the end, I’m glad I put in the effort to go to the location - the sunrise was just what the doctor ordered to cure my lethargy. It was also the best conditions I had for the rest of the trip and allowed me to walk away with a keeper of an image and fond memories.

Thank you for your support!

Technical Details: Nikon D750 with a 14-24mm lens at 14mm. 5 second exposure at f/16 and ISO 100