THE TIMELY BURN (2018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   …

THE TIMELY BURN (2018) < Previous | Next >

Colorful Sunrises and Sunsets are what landscape photographers live for. Unfortunately, more often than not, the quest for them turns out to be fruitless. Modern day satellites and weather predictions have gone a long way towards improving the odds but there’s still a science and skill to being able to predict when one will be happening. I’ve had the pleasure of learning that skill from some of the best artists out there.

This was the first time I was able to put that knowledge to good use and predict 48 hours in advance when and where a colorful sunrise might initiate. One of my photographer friends put his faith in me and we drove to this location on an almost unbearably cold day and waited around freezing just for Mother Nature to put on a show.

The result - we witnessed one of the most amazing sunrises either of us had ever witnessed in our lives. Not only were the colors brilliant but the warmth from the sun beat back the cold before it broke our spirits — and hence you have, “The Timely Burn”.

Thank you for your support!