LAND OF THE GIANTS (2020)                                                                                                                                                                                               < Previous | Next >Joshua t…

LAND OF THE GIANTS (2020) < Previous | Next >

Joshua trees are some of the most amazing species I have encountered in my life. Their ability to grow in some of the harshest conditions in the world, like Death Valley National Park where temperature swings of 40 degrees in the same day is pretty common and where temperatures can often exceed a soul baking 115 degrees Fahrenheit, is pretty amazing to me. In areas where water is scarce, these trees can sometimes grow to astounding sizes - measuring 30 feet or higher. It is indeed a sight to behold to come across them in an otherwise barren landscape that stretches as far as the eye can see. These trees are ubiquitous in the South West United States, especially in and around the Mojave Desert area, so much so that one of America’s most famous National Parks is named after them.

The blowing sand on this day created a soft, diffused environment through which the sun glowed and bathed the landscape in ethereal looking light. The trees stood out against the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and their impressive size coupled with the interesting shapes inspired the title of this image.

Technical Specs: Captured using a Nikon D750 with a Nikon 14-24 mm lens at F/16/ISO 100 and exposed for the highlights.

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